Naturalism proves that man himself determines truth based on scientific fact.
They say the universe is a closed system that works by eternal, unchanging laws.
It relies on what will normally happen but cannot predict with reliable, absolute certainty.
Naturalism proves that nothing exists outside the material world.
The scientific method depends on experimentation and observation to draw valid conclusions.
"Nothing is impossible with God" (Luke 1:37).
Uniform human experience is the criterion by which truth is ascertained.
Science is the only valid way something can be determined as true or false.
Science is limited to explaining how something generally behaves but can't predict unexpected situations.
Since naturalism assumes a closed system no outside force such as God is possible.
Since you can't measure spiritual things then they must not exist.
Natural laws predicate an orderly universe which demonstrates that an outside origin is responsible for creating it.
Science can make valid, absolute claims about existence.
It makes hypotheses and verifies data.
It can't prove how the universe came into being or if evolution is how life developed.