Obedient hear Voice

"He who has an ear, let him hear" (Rev 3:13). But if you hear will you also obey? Be careful not to dismiss what God is saying to you. Balaam had this problem even though the Lord was his God (Nu 22:18). Balak had asked him to curse Israel (:6). Then Balaam sought God for direction and God said, "Do not go with them" (:12). He talked to God, heard his voice, and got his answer. Then Balak said, "I will indeed honor you richly" (:17). Balaam was enticed and rationalized thinking "what else" (:19) God might say. When asked again God permitted him to proceed but cautioned him (:20). Furthermore "God was angry because he was going" (:22). Why did God allow it the second time? Romans 12:2 says there is a "good and acceptable and perfect" will of God. In Balaam's case God acceded to a less than perfect compromise. Some call this God's permissive (i.e. not perfect) will. If a person lacks faith then "let not that man expect that he will receive anything from the Lord" (Jas 1:7). But if you "delight yourself in the Lord he will give you the desires of your heart (Ps 37:4)."

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