God gave Jesus "the name that is above every name" (Php 2:9). He had "the highest place" (:9). "At the name of Jesus every knee will bow" (Php 2:10). By this authority he commissioned the disciples to spread the Good News (Mk 16:15). They would manifest this power "'in My name'" (:17) and "'signs will accompany'" them (:17). Their efforts would be "'greater things . . . because I am going to the Father'" (Jn 14:12). This would "'bring glory to the Father'" (:13). Jesus said "'I will do whatever you ask'" (:13). He had said "'in that day you will no longer ask me anything'" (Jn 16:23). When he was with them their questions were posed to him. But with Jesus in heaven "'my Father will give you whatever you ask in my name'" (:23) "'so that your joy may be made full'" (:24).
Peter knew because he told the cripple "'what I have I give you'" (Ac 3:6). He had the faith because he understood that "by his wounds we are healed" (Isa 53:5). Peter got the man's attention by looking "straight at him" (Ac 3:4) and the man was "expecting to get something from them" (:5). Peter transmitted the faith because he gave (:6) it. It was a heavenly request because he expressed "'in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, walk'" (:6). The Father "will give you" (Jn 16:23) the response and Jesus "will do" (14:13) what you ask. So when Peter "helped him up . . . the man's feet and ankles became strong . . . and [he] began to walk" (Ac 3:7,8). The people "were filled with wonder and amazement" (:10).