Life is the context in which man exists and his perception of it is his worldview. "God has also set eternity in their heart, yet so that man will not find out the work which God has done" (Pr 3:11). "Has not God made foolish the wisdom of the world?" (1Co 1:20). Therefore "do not be conformed to the world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind" (Ro 12:2). Next, society becomes the vehicle to express these truths. It is said that the three things man needs to survive are food, shelter and warmth. Society's answer is the economy. But primitive societies were often characterized by burdensome work, slavery and oppression. Those dominating its workings were often your enemy taking advantage of you. You could become "afflicted and needy" (Ps 40:17). You may become pressured by the "terror by night . . . pestilence in darkness . . . or destruction at noon" (Ps 91:5-6). There are those "who seek my life to destroy it" (40:14) and "who delight in my hurt" (:14). Some psalmists saw themselves "in dark places, in the depths" (Ps 88:6). They were "shut up and cannot go out" (:8). They were threatened by sinking in the mud (69:14), being flooded into deep waters (:14) and being swallowed by the grave (:15). "Cords of death encompassed me and . . . I found distress and sorrow" (116:3).
"I call to the Lord for help" (Ps 3:4). "God rescues them from danger" (34:7) He "saved me from death" (116:3) and "kept me from defeat" (:4). "The needy will not always be neglected" (9:18). "The Lord is near to those who are discouraged. He saves those who have lost all hope" (34:17-18). "You give me victory and restore my courage" (3:3). "You will rescue me" (13:3). "You will restore their confidence and hope" (Is 57:15). Then he prayed and God "delivered me from all my fears" (34:4). The "poor man cried [and God] "saved him out of all his troubles: (:6). God says "I live with people who are humble and repentant" (Is 57:15).